
Showing posts from 2019

On Self-Reliance Part 4

“To be great is to be misunderstood”. Many people back then had great ideas bit were misunderstood by many people. “We pass for what we are”. You can try to cover yourself and hide behind this mask but our inner self will always come out. One way or another. You cant hide who you are forever, and you shouldn’t have to. I feel like i made a difference in my friends lives. Im like a safe place for them, someone they can go to with their problems. I’ll listen to them and try my best to help them even if i have problems of my own. I like making sure they’re okay, anyone would want that for their friends.

On Self-Reliance Part 2

Fear of judgment stops us from doing things we want to do. It stops us from being who we really are. Children don’t have that fear, they simply don’t care. And why would they? They shouldn’t have to worry about what the public would think of them. They act however they want because they want to. So why don’t we? You can act a certain way and be someone you’re not, or you can be yourself. Either way people will judge, there’s nothing we can do about it. Might as well be ourselves and act the way we do because it really doesn’t matter. I understand that the craving of acceptance is strong and keeps us from being who we really are, but at the end of the day if you don’t like who you are then it’s not worth it. Society shouldn’t have a say in who we “need” to be. Its our lives, its our choice.

First impression: On Self-Reliance

My first impression on self-reliance was that he was speaking for the people too scared to speak for themselves. Being yourself is more important than being what other people think you should be. When you have an idea but decide not to speak up, then someone else says it and gets all the credit it can be pretty disappointing. You start thinking to yourself “if only i spoke up”. People are afraid of being judged or wrong in public. Sad part is a lot of people know a lot of things but the fear of judgement stops them from speaking up.

I Aint Got Time For This

Now a lot of people stress about time. Saying school and sleep takes up most of their day, which it does. We all go to school for about 6-7 hours and wonder what the hell we’re even doing there because most of the things our teachers teach us seem useless. Most of us probably spend most of our time complaining about it and then complaining about how little time we have left to do things.  I won’t lie, i spend my time doing the exact same thing. When i come home from school i don’t even do much. I sometimes do hw as fast as i can in the middle of the night. I procrastinate on doing it each day. But it doesn’t take up a lot of my time. No, what i do most is text my friends, go on social media, or watch some lame show on Netflix. I don’t use my time “correctly” or “well”. That’s just because I haven’t tried to, but I’m doing it right now typing this blog post. I guess that counts for something. Right?

For The Win

I looked back at what I’ve done so far in this class that im proud of and to be honest there isn’t much. In fact, there’s none. When our teacher talked to us about the whole idea of these blogs, i wasn’t interested. I’m still not and it’s not because I think it’s lame, but because it’s different than a regular english class. It’s not what I’m used to. Today I’m catching up on these blog posts things and I guess that’s what I’m proud. I’ll admit I don’t take advantage of the time given to us in class, but I’m going to try to.

The making of an essay

What made today different was realizing almost everyone in the class has had the same experience as I’ve had in the past. To me writing essays is pointless and a waste of time, teachers just give you a prompt and tell you to write a 5 paragraph essay on the topic. Yeah they help when you ask, but it seems like they wanted it turned in for your grade. To be honest thats the reason i even did them, for my grade. It’s exhausting and stressful.

Are people entitled to their opinion?

I believe everyone can have their own opinion that differs from everyone else’s, but they aren’t “entitled” to it. Usually when people say they’re entitled to their opinion its after they said something disrespectful or hurtful towards other people. If you want to say you’re entitled to your opinion then you should be able to come up with reasons to backup what you’re saying. Thats my opinion on the topic even though im not entitled to it.