On Self-Reliance Part 2

Fear of judgment stops us from doing things we want to do. It stops us from being who we really are. Children don’t have that fear, they simply don’t care. And why would they? They shouldn’t have to worry about what the public would think of them. They act however they want because they want to. So why don’t we? You can act a certain way and be someone you’re not, or you can be yourself. Either way people will judge, there’s nothing we can do about it. Might as well be ourselves and act the way we do because it really doesn’t matter. I understand that the craving of acceptance is strong and keeps us from being who we really are, but at the end of the day if you don’t like who you are then it’s not worth it. Society shouldn’t have a say in who we “need” to be. Its our lives, its our choice.


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